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Monday 30 January 2012

Minor Setback Prompts Members Only Section

It has been an interesting few days for me, and not interesting in a good way. I dislocated my right shoulder last Tuesday, so I have been doing minimal everything. I realize that although I am unable to do much in the line of chores and housework, my Kobo Vox will come in handy so I can get some work done. Typing on the computer keyboard is difficult, but my Kobo has a touch screen that works quite nicely. The best part is it is saved on so I am able to access it from any computer.

I have spent the last couple of days working on the membership section of my new website. The website is now live, but I do have some tweaking to do in the membership section. I am very excited about it and being able to help fellow authors achieve their goals and dreams.

The membership fee is $29/month, which entitles you to access to information and resources to improve and advance your writing career.

Upon receipt of payment, members will be given access to the Members Only section of the website. There they will find information which will help them pursue their writing career, whether it is in advertising or writing a novel. I will be posting the link to the site as soon as I have the Membership Section tweaked and operational. I will be taking orders by the end of this week, so please check back.

I am looking forward to helping others, just as I have been helped by people such as Yaro Starak and Sandi Krakowski. I have read through their materials and applied their strategies to achieve personal success in writing and life in general. I welcome any challenge, and my temporary physical limitations are just making me work harder.

Join me at for updates on my progress and a look at things to come!

Have a great day!


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